Usability is Not an Afterthought
How surprised was I to hear this from a colleague recently who heads up an IT division.
“Usability is an afterthought, if we have time.” more…
How surprised was I to hear this from a colleague recently who heads up an IT division.
“Usability is an afterthought, if we have time.” more…
The redesign of this website has been a long-time-coming. I had been using my previous design, built with SSI, CSS and HTML, but very static otherwise, for about four years. But alas, all must change and so here is the newly redesigned site.
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I had a discussion the other day in a room full of programmers and system administrators where the conversation migrated to how usable a tool should be, in this case software, if it were a complex system…
User interface design, wireframes and process flows for various web-based software tools for MedImpact, a pharmaceutical benefits management company based in San Diego.
Kintera existed as an online fundraising company for non-profit organizations with clients all over the world.
You can see an example of the interface I helped design at